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Data Processing

Page history last edited by Hospeda 12 years, 5 months ago


Data Processing involves taking some raw data product such as seismogram waveforms and associated metadata and extracting information about the earth structure, sources of seismic energy, or about the recording instrument. Usually this will involve programming in one of many available languages. Here we present various options of tools available to assist in programming.



C/C++This is a  featured page

libmseed - IRIS provides a library for working with miniSEED files.

SEISPP - Gary Pavlis's classes & libraries for a wide range of applications. Uses the Antelope libraries

Antelope API for C provides full access to almost all features of the software
libfftw - Fastest Fourier Transform in the West. De facto standard for doing FFT's from a group at MIT.
libevalresp - Tool to compute the response of an instrument given RESP files generated from SEED volumes.


MATLABThis is a  featured page

MATLAB is commercial software for numerical processing owned by the MathWorks. GNU Octave works similar, but is opensource. Below are some links to MATLAB code developed for use in seismology.

MatSeis - Seismic analysis toolbox originally developed for explosion monitoring.

GISMO - Seismology objects and toolboxes developed by members of the Geophysical Institute at the University of Alaska.

SACLAB - Scripts by Mike Thorne for reading and writing SAC files into MATLAB.

Antelope API - access to Datascope databases and waveform data using compiled MATLAB functions (MEX files). This is part of the Antelope distribution and available at the Antelope Users Group repository.
MatTaup - integrates the Taup toolkit from http://www.seis.sc.edu/software/TauP/ into Matlab.
There is also a basic package designed to mimic a few sac functions here: porritt_broadband_processing_matlab.zip. This also contains a worksheet and powerpoint describing how and why to use the various functions in the functions sub folder.


PerlThis is a  featured page

Perl is a high-level dynamic scripting language. Its flexibility and use of regular expressions make it useful for dealing with metadata or formatting data for use in compiled programs.

Antelope API - Perl routines for accessing Datascope databases, error handling and parameter files Servidor Dedicado.



PythonThis is a  featured page

Python is a high-level dynamic programming language. There are many functions and modules publicly available for applications in numerous fields. Below are some helpful links for using Python for seismology.

NumPy - A basic fundamental package for using large N-dimensional arrays. Many scientific programming modules (such as the ones in this list) use NumPy arrays for storing data.

SciPy - Large module that provides functions for scientific programming. Commonly used as the basis for other field-specific modules. NumPy and SciPy give MATLAB-like functionality in Python.

ObsPy - Toolbox specifically for seismology. Includes functions for importing data from a variety of formats, and performing many basic tasks, like filtering, response removal, and basic visualization.

Antelope API - Developed by Kent Lindquist, provides access to Datascope tables and waveform data. Available in the AUG contributed code repository.

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